A Review on Evaporative Cooling Technology and How It Really Works

When marketing brochures describe the current state of evaporative cooling technology, there’s a tendency to sidestep contemporary engineering assemblies. Instead, the colourful documentation tells us about the origins of water-soaked fabrics and dripping clay urns, the evaporative solutions that were employed by long-gone cultures. Now, while such historical records provide valuable insights, they don’t tell […]

Factory Cooling for The Industrial Workplace: A Must for Workers!

Unexplainable productivity drop-offs don’t seem quite so mysterious when we personally enter witheringly hot working environments. The human body needs to breathe, after all, and this essential biological process can’t take place when metabolism-stifling heat is jeopardizing our natural cooling mechanism. In such a workplace, sweat evaporates the instant it exits a distressed worker’s pores, […]

How Air Flow Affects Evaporative Coolers

The laws of fluid mechanics seem wholesome and antiseptic when they’re read off the pages of a book, but the practical applications tell a different story. In relating a tale that shows how air flow affects evaporative coolers, we’re going to be dealing with some real headaches, but they can be readily sidestepped when a […]