Atmospheric science is an interesting field, one that breaks down into gaseous and fluid dynamics. There’s even a little bit of particulate matter in the mix. Breathable air varies with altitude, humidity rises and falls as we pass through different climate zones, and that particulate stuff whips up when the weather changes. In terms of evaporative cooling capacity, the humidity already in the air will obviously affect this rating, but what else influences this important metric?

The Basics of Cooling Capacity Dynamics

Several factors jump to the fore in this instance. The first is known as “enthalpy,” which is thought of as the energy sunk into a hot space. A powerful air cooling solution is required to offset this value. Evaporative coolers manage intimidating quantities of airborne energy by using a basic but very effective heat exchange mechanism, one that’s used by the oceans on our fragile globe. The evaporating water drawn from the tank simply evaporates in the air and is blown into the hot environment, where it cools the room and defuses the energy occupying the space.

A Part Two of Airborne Energy Dynamics

The fundamentals of a heat-voiding system also rely on delivery components, on electric fans that have the power to quickly inject evaporated coolness into overly heated spaces. This is known as the CFM rating (Cubic Feet per Minute), the aptitude a cooling unit has for dispersing its cooling power. In turn, this rated quotient is influenced by the volume of the room. So that’s it, all of the figures and mathematics come down to a standoff, a battle between a spacious room and a compact cooler. The evaporative cooling unit must have the horsepower, the tank capacity, and pad evaporating aptitude to efficiently cool this voluminous area.

Matching the Appliance to Particular Functions

No single factor rules the selection process, but several factors will aid in choosing the right unit. Consider local humidity, the possibility that the unit is working in a steam-saturated cattle holding pen or an arid region. Also, filters may be needed to protect the pads from localized particulate matter. Seasonal concerns and weather patterns are next, for they cause environmental fluctuations, but evaporative coolers plow through the majority of these issues by adhering to a time-proven heat exchanging principle.

Finally, weigh the CFM rating of the unit against the size of the room and its current state of enthalpy. This thoughtful approach will infuse the environment with a pinch of entropy, enough to cool the area and make the space comfortable once more.