The age-old operating principles that rule evaporative coolers hold true whatever the application, yet it is modern technology that now powers the appliance. Nature and engineering excellence coalesce here to produce cool air, a biologically friendly airflow that eases the body. The evaporative cooling effects on cattle farming are much the same. Heat stress is relieved, cooling is extended across farm buildings, and milk production figures strengthen. A great deal of effort goes into keeping cattle cool, but this coolness factor also needs a pinch of healthy evaporative power.

Beat Heat Stress with Evaporative Coolers

Cross-ventilation systems reduce the temperature when many hot animal bodies congregate inside one large enclosed room, but this cooling feature is merely one ingredient in a whole recipe of temperature-relieving mechanics. Misting systems touch the milk-producing cow’s body with moisture, an elemental asset that relaxes the heat-anxious beast. Next, one or more evaporative units adds pad-dispatched moisture to the still airflow and delivers positive energy to the situation by pushing the moist air until convection currents create what feels like a field-produced wind but is actually an artificially-induced breeze.

Targeting Higher Milk Production

A knock-on effect takes over at this point to naturally tranquilize the cattle and generate a sedated climate within what was formally a claustrophobic source of irritation. The abrasive hot air was likely burning the herd’s lungs just as badly as the hot air was producing a layer of dirty sweat on their hides. Thankfully, the evaporative coolers remedy this issue quickly, so normal metabolic functions are regained, the cattle feed, and milk production prospers once more.

Balancing the Local Environment

All animals are sensitive to their local environment, so a hot milk shed will quickly cause unease amongst milk cows. That primitive emotion may be forgotten over time, but it’s more likely that the poor animals will come to associate the shed with stress and anxiety, so a harmonious habitat is essential if dairy commodities are to be optimized. Of course, even if a minimal flow should be achieved, there’s no guarantee that taste will accompany this token volume of milk. Indeed, the taste may sour or lack texture, thus indicating a lack of quality even though some quantity is flowing through the milking machines.

Keep cattle relatively happy and comfortable if quality, taste, and quantity matter, which they most assuredly do in today’s competitive farming market. Additionally, when evaluating evaporative cooling effects on cattle farming and milk production, opt for a high-quality evaporative cooler, and partner this invaluable device with a properly ventilated building.