When marketing brochures describe the current state of evaporative cooling technology, there’s a tendency to sidestep contemporary engineering assemblies. Instead, the colourful documentation tells us about the origins of water-soaked fabrics and dripping clay urns, the evaporative solutions that were employed by long-gone cultures. Now, while such historical records provide valuable insights, they don’t tell us about today’s products, the modern solutions that cool large warehouses and numerous other large-scale working endeavours. Let’s address this unfortunate omission by reviewing the features that can only be found on the latest evaporative coolers.

Hosts Electrically Efficient Innards

Energy efficiency mandates a compact internal layout. Multi-speed Electrical fans pull in hot air. A web of water-filled tubing threads through the unit’s housing, acting as a circulatory network that relies on a mechanical heart. Again, this mechanical pump uses electricity to push the water towards the cooling medium.

Defined by Technologically Advanced Exterior Features

When assessing evaporative cooling technology, an owner is impressed by the exterior before any power switch is ever activated. Portable products, for example, use bleeding-edge polymers to shield internal mechanical parts against carelessly incurred impacts on the factory floor. Lightweight aluminium panels cover some sections, but tough panels fabricated from ABS plastics and polypropylene resins work just as effectively within today’s most abrasive workplaces.

Maximising Evaporative Power

Many of the best water-cooled appliances use low-energy pumps and fans, which, in turn, pushes the temperature way down so that nearby employees and relaxing homeowners can enjoy an environmentally sound climate control solution, but there are other features on display. We’re talking about the cooling medium, the pads that use nature’s most basic temperature reducing method. Evaporative cooling technology still soaks water into sponges today, but the concept has adopted a more elegant solution, one that uses geometrical proficiency.

Equipped with Electronic Controls

The pads mentioned above are corrugated and coated in special sheets that maximise absorbency. Meanwhile, electronic sensors measure dew point and ambient temperature, data points that enable the fan to automatically change speed when the temperature spikes. These system assets are more commonly employed within whole-building solutions, but many portable models incorporate powerful little packages of electronics, even a remote control.

In the upper echelons of water-cooled products, whole-system solutions cool entire factories. They interface with computers via USB connectors and generate periodic reports that describe what’s going on inside louvre-equipped vents. Portable units are equipped with their own hi-tech components, including low decibel fans, electronic controls, and high-capacity reservoirs.