Unexplainable productivity drop-offs don’t seem quite so mysterious when we personally enter witheringly hot working environments. The human body needs to breathe, after all, and this essential biological process can’t take place when metabolism-stifling heat is jeopardizing our natural cooling mechanism. In such a workplace, sweat evaporates the instant it exits a distressed worker’s pores, which then leaves that body heat stressed. Evaporative coolers are an incontestable solution in this sweltering setting, and here’s why.

Natural Factory cooling for the industrial workplace

If personnel are on the verge of exhaustion due to heat fatigue, it would be wonderful if they could just ramp up sweat production and shrug off the ill effects of the excessive temperature level, but people don’t possess this biological imperative, which is probably just as well. An overly sweaty workplace would become ripe with human odours after a few days. But we’re getting off track. Instead of relying on unrealistic evolutionary developments, the preferred course is to turn to an engineered solution, a cooler that uses the same principles as our own bodies.

Evaporative Coolers Mimic Human Biology

A portable or stationary evaporative mechanism performs exactly the same process as human tissue. Water is the medium, which, again, is the same cooling medium used by nature. The pads or sponges in the appliance are substituting their water-absorbing forms in place of skin and pores, but the principle is most definitely the same. Scaled in size, the biggest difference between machine and man is the addition of a distribution system, which is where the electric fan enters this hypothetical case study.

Making a Practical Difference in the Workplace

In taking this perspective to its natural conclusion, we see that this mechanism is acting as a supplementary cooling force, not the unnatural chemically produced cooling solution adopted by many residences. Additionally, the industrial workplace is an open floor, one that’s loaded with loud machinery and bustling workers. Evaporative technology supports this active scene by adapting to the worker’s needs. Windows can be opened without affecting the performance of this water-based appliance. Better yet, loading bay doors can be left open without compromising the cooling effects elicited by the evaporative mechanism.

The practical benefits get second billing in this article because we’re targeting biological concerns this time around. In doing so, it just makes sense to define the similarities between an evaporative appliance and nature’s own heat-attenuating solution, for they’re the same. We’re basically soft-tissued evaporative coolers on legs, so our engineered cousins only serve to reinforce this principle on an industry-wide scale.