Portable Evaporative Coolers: Solutions for Sustainable and Energy Efficient Cooling

What’s the best way to prove portable evaporative coolers are built to the highest possible energy conserving standards? How about the fact that a mobile evaporative cooling appliance consumes less than 5-litres of water per hour? This feature ensures sustainable environmental control. It’s a hallmark trait, one that’s designed to minimise running costs and save […]

Wrong Misconceptions about Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative cooler technology is engaged in something of a long-running battle. You see, there are misconceptions about evaporative coolers, falsely assigned traits that require addressing. But the tide is turning. The average consumer is slowly uncovering the truth about these efficient appliances. Wouldn’t it be convenient, though, to have all of those misconceptions collected in […]

Why Australians Should Consider Using Portable Evaporative Coolers

Check out the timeline for evaporative cooling technology. Ancient civilizations employed this principle. The water releasing principles developed quickly, then chemical coolers usurped their position. As folks started to realize how energy efficient portable evaporative coolers really are, the race drew even. Now, according to many informed Australians, the water-based appliances are pulling ahead. Just […]