The object of this investigation is to evaluate an evaporative cooler when it has been moved outdoors. This hypothetical case study will see a portable model wheeled outside. Employed as an event refreshing appliance, a heat salve on a restaurant patio, or simply as an outdoor living space cooler, we’ll measure energy efficiency and performance. What are we waiting for? Wheel this uber-efficient appliance outside and start the measuring.

The Initial Temperature Gauging Setup

Radiated heat from the sun heats up the paving outside our simulated event, so install some shade. Warm bodies generate their own heat, then there are convection currents to deal with, so the shade will also act as a windbreak. A large fan is spinning within the plastic-coated housing of the evaporative cooler. Mount a dry bulb temperature gauging device close to the appliance. A regular thermometer is good enough for the task. Measuring the current temperature, take note of the oppressive heat. Run the appliance with a full water tank. The air is cooling, the sweat is fading from the brows of the event goers, and it’s time to take another measurement.

Sized to Cool Outdoor Events

Before going any further, consider carrying out this routine the day before the big outdoor event. It’s hard to setup thermometers and wet bulb testers when everyone’s had a few too many alcoholic beverages, so conduct this study the day before. Now, pick up a wet bulb temperature instruments. Typically, the business end of this thermometer is wrapped in wet cloth. As the cloth dries, the cooling effect is observed. Conduct this test at the farthest edge of the event, the borders of an outdoor living area, or on the rails of that outdoor restaurant. We’re looking to see where the cooling effect drops off, where there’s perhaps an obstruction or a limit to the appliances’ fan.

Configured for High-Performance Outdoor Cooling

Don’t fight the convected air currents. Instead, align the evaporative cooler so that the breeze augments the cooling effect. Measure the refreshing temperature drop with a finger, a dry brow, perhaps even by seeing how quickly a wet rag dries. Do, however, recognize this is a dynamic environment. The dew point, relative humidity, and latent heat stored in that outside air will all impact the unit’s efficiency.

As for how we judge the best outdoor evaporative cooler, it’s the appliance that performs like a champion when the conditions are at their most unpredictable. A superior unit prevails when these environmental variables are at their most trying. It handles extra body heat, eliminates capricious wind currents, and delivers a significant temperature drop, right there in the heart of a lively outdoor occasion.