Ugly mould splotches like to grow in damp places. Evaporative coolers fit that description, unfortunately. But there’s good news, it’s not hard to keep a water-laden appliance mould-free, not if you know the right ways to evict this irksome growth. Come on, you’re about to learn some preventative measures, beginning with a shrewd look into your operational habits. Case in point, is the environment wet?

Dealing with Environmental Issues

These initial tips assume you have the freedom to turn the unit ON and OFF at your discretion. If that’s the case, don’t use the appliance in a damp area. Furthermore, keep the equipment away from places that already exhibit mould growth. In all likelihood, spores are floating in the air, and the appliance fan will suck them into the cooler housing. Of course, the luxury of choosing when and where the equipment is used doesn’t always guarantee a dry setting. You hope for a dry area, certainly, but you know this hard-working mobile cooler will eventually be called into a wet greenhouse, a damp livestock shed, or who knows where else.

Averting Internal Swamps

Ideally, the innards of the equipment should remain entirely unsullied. Not a grain of dirt, not a patch of mildew, nothing should taint the inner components. However, the reservoir is full of water, and the equipment is damp. Let’s face it, without maintenance, this is a potential home for a thriving mould colony. Clean the inner workings. Begin by replacing the filters, for these material barriers are your first line of defence. Supplement that action by periodically removing the portable evaporative cooler’s access panels. Is there a patch of organic growth hidden in the housing? Is there a musty odour drifting out of the device? That’s the smell of a fungal growth, a contaminant that could become airborne.

Some folk recommend a half-and-half compound. The first half of the mix is clean water. As for the second, lemon juice or citric acid are both excellent mould killers. Clean and dry the tank with this cleansing agent. Pay special attention to the drying stage, for you’re trying to get rid of the damp, not create more. Treat the hoses and cooling pads with the same mix, then you should use a damp cloth to wipe away any residue. Dry everything. By the way, a half-and-half vinegar and water substitute also works. Just don’t use the mix on the pads, not unless you want the smell of vinegar in the air whenever the newly cleaned evaporative cooler is utilized.