FAQ: Are Evaporative Coolers Easy to Clean and Maintain?

Unique among cooling appliances, at least when it comes to cleaning, evaporative coolers provide an inbuilt system housekeeping feature. Sure, it’s a minor piece of maintenance assisting muscle, but every little bit helps. Fact number one, then, concerns the equipment’s water cycling capabilities. If there’s dirt in the tank, it won’t collect for long because […]

Direct Evaporative Coolers vs. Indirect Evaporative Coolers: What are Their Differences?

Indirect evaporative coolers use the same principle as direct coolers. Water evaporates, the air cools, and a fresh breeze is expelled. There are zero chemical compounds involved in either equipment makeup. There is, however, one patently obvious difference between them. In that indirect cooling equipment, a heat exchanger separates the input and output stages. Simpler […]

How Evaporative Coolers Help in Greenhouse Management

Today’s topic is Greenhouse management. More precisely, this post targets appliances that regulate greenhouse environments. Generally speaking, plants or vegetables, whether they’re flowering or being prepared for consumption, receive sun energy. That energy enters through large sheets of transparent plastic or glass. To cut a long story short, it sure is hot inside that plant-growing […]