Warehouse and factory workers will sweat when they overexert themselves. If their environment is really hot, well, the heat will take its toll, but there’s always that one final option: they can step outdoors. Livestock facilities don’t offer this luxury. That’s a palpably dangerous scenario, for animal lives are at risk. If those horses, cows, whatever they are, remain locked up, their welfare is at risk.

Solving Livestock Distress Concerns

Straight to the point, an evaporative cooler should be rolled inside a livestock structure when the hotter weather arrives. Even on cooler days, a need for a water-fueled cooler exists. When the weather is hot, a stable or milking shed soaks up the sun’s energies. The structure will become very uncomfortable as the temperature in there rises. But even a cooler day can cause trouble, with animal body heat taking the place of the sun’s heat. Either way, livestock resting inside an enclosed building will feel distressed as the heat closes in and impacts their biological functions. With a portable evaporative cooler stationed on the hay-filled flooring, fresh and slightly moistened air flows in and around their living quarters. Paired with open doors and windows, plus shade, the thermal load rapidly dissipates.

Farm-Specific Heat Distress

The benefits have been covered before, so we all know evaporative appliances slot into place perfectly inside livestock facilities. An air conditioner wouldn’t work, not with its leaky chemicals and its need for closed windows. No, open-space evaporative units are the superior cooling system. So, what’s the problem? Why do some animals recover quickly from heat stress while others pant and buckle under the load? We need to know why this happens if we’re to roll in an optimally sized cooler, right? To keep the answer short, certain farm animals are more susceptible to the effects of heat prostration than others. High-strung stallions are one example of this truism, as are fat farmyard beasts, the ones that are physically overweight.

Keeping the structure just about habitable, open doors and plenty of shade stops the sun from exerting its worst influences. Still, there’s the fact that animals generate their own heat, then there’s that additional knowledge, as imparted above: livestock animals have their own personal natures, their own quirks and behavioural traits. This means, even on a cooler day, heat stress is still a very real problem. Seasoned caretakers know their livestock and know when their facilities will get hot. They also know that chemical cooling isn’t a safe or productive option. To maintain a calm, water flavoured environment, a portable evaporative cooler really is the only option.