Today’s topic is Greenhouse management. More precisely, this post targets appliances that regulate greenhouse environments. Generally speaking, plants or vegetables, whether they’re flowering or being prepared for consumption, receive sun energy. That energy enters through large sheets of transparent plastic or glass. To cut a long story short, it sure is hot inside that plant-growing structure. Naturally and swiftly, we’ll roll in a cooling appliance that’ll drop the temperature.

Managing Radiated Sun Energy

Straight to the point, a greenhouse manager doesn’t want a chemically powered air conditioner. The equipment uses environmentally hostile chemicals, plus it only works properly when the structure’s doors and windows are sealed. Rolling in a portable evaporative cooler, the outdoor-skewed building gets to keep its windows propped open. Now, this appliance is water powered. It uses the evaporative effect, which is the same principle that supports outdoor plant life. With the thermal load lessened, the evaporated water droplets take flight. They don’t just cool the flowers and veggies, they quench their thirst. Also, from a system management point of view, water is the stuff of life here, so it’s in use all over the building. If an evaporative cooler’s reservoir needs refilling, a greenhouse hose will quickly take care of that chore.

Professionally Regulated Greenhouse Environments

The previous passage of text speaks in generalities. Plainly, a water-fuelled cooler will produce water as a by-product, which will then add a required quantity of wet bulb cooling to a plant-filled property. In more technical terms, though, it’s difficult to maintain a controlled artificial environment inside a glass-walled structure. If it’s already hot outside, a few propped open window panes won’t help, not much. Shades can be fitted to stop the radiated solar energy, of course, but then the photosynthesis effect is impeded. No, the sun needs to shine directly through the glass. Then there are different types of flowers and plants. A wintery shrub will enjoy the cool air, but a tropical orchid might shrivel when exposed to such chilly temperatures. By introducing a portable evaporative cooler, greenhouse administrators gain options. They can focus cooling energy and humidity on a small area while the radiated sun energy and/or convection currents keep those tropically predisposed flowers hot and steamy.

At the end of the day, Greenhouse Management strategies are limited when they’re based on all-encompassing equipment solutions. A full-system cooler just won’t work, not very well. Consequently, a universally inclined management program will yield mediocre results. For a truly productive growth cycle, for a cultivation program that can be applied with utmost discriminatory precision, portable evaporative coolers should be utilized as surgically precise humidity and thermal envelope management controllers.