Maintenance Tips for Evaporative Coolers

Air conditioning units have been the go-to cooling system for homes and properties. However, the use of such units has seen a slight decrease in percentage given that the cost of utilities and other life essentials are now rising. Even so, people are now looking for an alternative that can make their homes and properties […]

How Evaporative Coolers Improve Air Quality

One equipment that is becoming popular in many household and commercial facilities is evaporative coolers. They serve as a substitute to air-conditioning units that are known for spending a huge amount of energy for them to regulate the temperature of a room. Some of these units even emit harmful elements on the atmosphere, contributing to […]

Does Water Quality Affect Evaporative Cooler Performance?

Over time, the number of households and establishments that use evaporative coolers has been increasing steadily. These coolers are being utilised since they possess cost-effective benefits that are beneficial for property owners. Evaporative coolers consume less energy compared to traditional air conditioning units. They can also significantly improve air quality by filtering dust, fumes, and […]