Evaporative coolers harness the power of evaporation to cool the temperature of a room or a facility. These coolers draw hot outdoor air and process it through the help of its components. Once the heat is removed, the evaporative cooler will blow it into the building. The resulting air is now cool and humid, which can match and even surpass the air released by most air conditioning units.

Many commercial and even residential buildings are now switching to evaporative coolers because of their benefits. One advantage of using evaporative coolers is that it is energy efficient. Evaporative coolers use less electricity compared to other types of cooling technology. With less power consumption, your evaporative cooler can help you lower your carbon footprint and reduce utility expenses. Another advantage of using evaporative coolers is that it does not release harmful chemical refrigerants to the ozone layer.

Evaporative coolers functionality and its accompanying benefits are brought by the affectivity of the following main parts and components.

Pad System

An evaporative cooler will not be effective if there is no pad system. This system enables the cooling down process of the air that passes through it. One thing that you must consider is that the effectiveness of a pad varies depending on its material and thickness. The recommended absorbent rate of a pad should be between 60% and 90%. Moreover, thick pads will be more effective compared to think ones. So, choose materials that possess these two properties.

One great material for a pad is fibres of aspen wood that are neatly packed within a plastic netting. While synthetic fibres can also do the job of processing water, pads that are made from aspen wood perform better. Another type of effective pad is the rigid sheet pads that are comprised of corrugated material stacked together. Even if they are expensive, this type of pad is thicker and can withstand higher wind velocities than other materials.


While the pad system cools down the air from the outside, the circulating pump is responsible for circulating the water within the evaporative cooler. The water from this pump drives through the pad for it to be wet all the time. After all, the pads need an adequate supply of water to maintain the air-cooling process. The pumps for your evaporative cooler must also be large enough to provide the needed water supply of the pad.


As mentioned, evaporative coolers draw hot air from the outside and blow cool air to the inside. The drawing and blowing of air will only be possible with fans. Fans draw the hot air from the outside and transfer it to a series of pads for the cooling process. Once the air is cooled down, the fans will blow it inside your building and help circulate it across the room. The number of inlets in which the draws the air from is dependent on your wet pads. The more inlets used, the lesser the air velocity is.

With the help of these components, your indoor air will be much cooler and more humid than the air provided by other air-cooling technology. To purchase your own evaporative coolers, you can contact us now at Evaporative Coolers.