A review of multiple evaporative cooling appliances, as tendered by Australian and Chinese manufacturers, might reveal a few worrying product discrepancies. Sure, the features listed on the brochures by both national cooling authorities look generally identical. Powerful fans, water-absorbent media, and brawny electrical pumps are discussed at some length in their branded product literature. Still, something feels slightly off, something that suggests a quality mismatch.

The Chinese Connection

Like any other global community, China has its fair share of overheated citizens. Also, with a population of close to 1.4 Billion, the Asian powerhouse is inarguably backed by a manufacturing sector that’s second to none. However, you could argue that quantity is favoured over quality when a mass production environment rules all else, right? That’s a way of operating that Australian made evaporative appliances cannot endorse. No, the Aussie manufacturing philosophy pushes quality first, always quality, which means an evaporative cooler produced in our nation is fabricated from the toughest, most durable materials. Echoing that manufacturing maxim, Australia’s branded evaporative appliances earn their top ratings by packing those tough as nails housings with the latest and greatest pumping assemblies. Finally, there’s a never-ending research and development stage threading its way through the product catalogue, a developmental impetus that’s always looking to install a finer, more efficient water cooling solution.

Australian Made Evaporative Coolers

Of course, this article isn’t driven by nationalistic viewpoints. Indeed, we’ve taken an unbiased and impartial stance whenever possible. Granted, when a consumer buys an Australian evaporative cooler, the money goes straight into the local market, and that market is buoyed by the investment. Still, looked at from an engineering standpoint, we believe Australian made evaporative appliances are the best possible choice when the summer heat is at its worst. The plastic parts used in that Chinese model are tough, but are they as hardy as a comparable Australian product? Likewise, are the electrical windings, hoses, and fan blades designed to withstand the stresses encountered in a harsh agricultural environment or a hot livestock shed?

Again, Chinese evaporative coolers are entirely competent, but what if the appliance is headed for that livestock setting we just described? Do we really want to take a chance with heat-stressed animals? Not really, not when the poor creatures could be feeling the benefits of a reliable Australian model. At the end of the day, then, the choice comes down to reliability and cost effectiveness, plus a predilection for supporting the home front. If productivity, comfort, greenhouse welfare, and animal health are to be absolutely cared for through an eco-friendly cooling system, stick with an Australian made product line.