Viewed as the ideal appliance in many scenarios, air conditioners simply don’t make the grade where warehouse and factory cooling is concerned. It’s not as if there’s a slight difference between this form of cooling and evaporative cooling, one that can be addressed by making changes in a chemical agent or a compressor assembly, no, the disparity between the two climate control solutions is enormous, so clear-cut as to make air conditioning next to useless when used in open spaces.

Betrayed by Origins

Compact window-mounted boxes and centralized air conditioning housings distribute cool air through ducts, but these systems are designed almost exclusively for rooms where people live and work. The equipment is sensitive to environmental surroundings, which means every window and door needs to be closed in order to keep the cooling effect economic. And even if all of these rigid rules are ticked off by the user, there’s still a sizeable energy drain to look forward to when the next billing cycle comes around. In short, although designed for human comfort, traditional air conditioning solutions are expensive and inflexible. Fortunately, evaporative coolers sidestep these issues and add an environmental fringe benefit to the solution.

Addressing the Warehouse and Factory Cooling Conundrum

The open space of a warehouse presents a challenging problem if the owner of the facility is demanding an economical cooling system. The mechanism in question has to be affordable and powerful but also has to avoid the pitfalls associated with air conditioners. The answer is to install evaporative coolers, a series of environmentally friendly water-filled machines that use the basic laws of thermodynamics to send a cool mist of fresh air into the local atmosphere. And, unlike that other solution, windows and doors can be opened without troubling the cooling effect, which is fortunate since trucks and forklifts are always coming and going in a warehouse. We’d also like to remind you of that environmental factor, again, as modern storage areas include spoilable content and biological produce. Food is processed and animals are milling around in farm outhouses. A chemically active cooling architecture, a series of overhead ducts and vents, just isn’t advisable in this bio diverse scenario.

If you’re split between these two popular cooling systems, choose evaporative coolers, a system that can be retrofitted on top of standard HVAC gear or be wheeled out as a portable housing. Warehouse and factory cooling needs the energy saving benefits and the products in the large buildings need the innate environmental benefits of an evaporative mechanism.