There’s something about the inside of a warehouse that turns open space into a heat magnet. The air is uncomfortably warm. Breathing feels like an effort due to the stagnant environment, and it’s hard to imagine an affordable means of humbling the high temperatures. Industrial evaporative coolers, as covered in previous articles, are the ideal solution for high-ceilinged interiors, sealed areas with distant walls and gaping spaces. A practical warehouse cooling solution built from affordable evaporative units expel stuffy air and restore vigour to the workforce while keeping the product in the warehouse cool enough for storage or shipping.

An affordability factor sits behind every water-powered cooling product, so it only makes sense to extend this truism to the installation of the system. For example, instead of ripping out fans and ducts, keep them in place and restore the system to full operability. Modern vented evaporative coolers work in tandem with fans to distribute the misty air to the far corners of the facility. In addition, some customers have been known to retrofit their HVAC gear, which means they convert their electric fans into an effective network of water cooled, environmentally-friendly climate controllers.

On approaching the topic from a mobile standpoint, portable warehouse cooling units roll along concrete floors on toughened plastic castors to counter hot spots. An eccentrically shaped warehouse with narrow aisles and high ceilings does, after all, present a big issue when air distribution patterns are assessed. The heat is rising, it’s stifling the workers, and it’s causing stored merchandise to heat. An open door helps, acting as a passive cooling channel, but the bulk of the heat is trapped. Use the retrofitted fan system to get the air moving, but reinforce this action by sending in the cavalry, as it were, a pair of evaporative coolers to act as localised cooling heroes. The hot spot is immediately dissolved and productive work resumes.

In creating a cooling strategy for storage areas and medium-to-large warehouses, the manager of the facility knows that work patterns change. Maybe they’re seasonal or the operation changes as the week goes on to accommodate the arrival of a new shipment. Warehouse cooling is far more effective if it can adapt to these varying work settings. The fresh air is on hand at all times, affordably allowing staff to draw in lungfuls of slightly moistened oxygen. We’d only recommend that a free-and-easy source of water be on hand to keep the reservoirs full, the pads moist, and the evaporating moisture consistently flowing into the cooling warehouse.