An evaporative cooler generates efficient and powerful cooling by combining water evaporation with a consistent air-moving system. Fresh outside air is directed through a wet filter that contains moist pads. The fresh cool air is then circulated throughout a home or business by a large blower. Typically, the outside air temperature can be dropped as much as 30 degrees.

Compared to a typical air conditioning system, an evaporative cooler is a lot simpler in design. It cools the air plus adds humidity, unlike an air conditioning that pulls moisture out of the air and replaces hot air for cool.

Because of its simple structure and design, an evaporative cooler is a lot more cost effective. An in addition to lowering the temperature of the air, evaporative cooling generates a constant cool breeze within your home. Although the breeze does not actually lower the temperature, it will make you feel 4 to 6 degrees cooler. It is like turning on a ceiling fan but it circulates cool air instead of stagnant hot air that collects on the ceiling.


Evaporative coolers are most effective in dry and arid regions. This is because it adds moisture to the air. In fact, the more arid the environment, the more efficient and cost effective it will be. However, evaporative coolers can also be used successfully in areas that have some humidity. Generally, 30 percent humidity will be dry enough for the evaporative cooling to work effectively.

Evaporative coolers also work best during the hottest time of the day. This is because humidity normally drops when temperatures rise. And the less humid it is, the more the cooling system works efficiently and thus reduces energy consumption.

Compared to air conditioners, evaporative coolers use as much as 75 percent less electricity. Their energy efficiency is one of the main reasons why they have gained popularity. As well, they operate on 120-volt electricity and do not require high-amperage circuits like most air conditioners do. In fact, an evaporative cooler can be plugged into most any outlet.

Due to its simple design, evaporative coolers cost nearly half as much as an air conditioner. In addition, they do not require as much ductwork when installing. Large units just need a short duct that directs the cooled air to the main area in the home. What is more, existing forced air duct systems in the house can be utilized. Small units are extremely easy to install and can be placed in the majority of windows.

Low Maintenance Costs

Evaporative air coolers are very low maintenance. They require occasional inspection and changing the filter a few times during the season. At the end of the season the cooler needs drained and cleaned to remove any sediment or minerals that might have accumulated. The end of the season is also a good time to check the reservoir, water lines and pump plus replace parts if needed. A well maintained evaporative cooler with perform at its optimum and continue to drastically lower your utility expenses.