Evaporative coolers have been around for a few years now. And with their existence, tons of property owners have already switched to these cooling solutions due to their accompanying benefits.

One of the benefits of evaporative coolers is that they can provide cool air without consuming too much energy. Conventional air conditioning systems are notorious for utilising a huge amount of energy for them to operate optimally. Evaporative coolers, on the other hand, do not need the same energy requirement as they heavily rely on fresh air and wet cooling pads. Another benefit of evaporative coolers is that they can provide high-quality air to properties due to their filtration systems. They are likewise eco-friendly since they do not emit greenhouse gases.

One more benefit of evaporative coolers is that they can be used in open spaces. They do not need to be situated in places where doors and windows will be closed as they work more effectively if they receive outdoor air. Given this benefit, the following applications are possible with evaporative coolers.

Outdoor Living Spaces

Homeowners who maximise outdoor living spaces can take advantage of evaporative coolers. Given the working principles of evaporative coolers, they can easily take in outdoor air and convert it into cool fresh air. Positioning them right next to a patio or a deck can regulate their temperature, which can be great for parties or celebrations in these areas. Aside from these gatherings, utilising evaporative coolers in outdoor living spaces can also be great for those who want to relax after long hours of work.

BBQ Party Areas

Somehow similar to outdoor living spaces, evaporative coolers can also be utilised in BBQ party areas. Most people here in Australia love to grill steaks, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, prawns, squid, and others thanks to their exquisite taste. But what makes this activity more special is that it can unite families and friends and let them spend quality time. Maximising evaporative coolers while engaging in a BBQ party can be perfect to somehow combat the heat from the sun and open flame.

Restaurant Patios

Aside from residential applications, evaporative coolers can also be utilised in foodservice establishments. Establishments like restaurants and coffee shops may contain beautiful patios that can be great for customers who want to consume their food outdoors. Since customers eating outside the establishments deserve an excellent dining experience, the placement of evaporative coolers in their location allows them to feel comfortable, especially during sunny days.

Industrial Buildings

Industrial buildings such as manufacturing plants, factories, warehouses, and other similar properties can, ultimately, take advantage of evaporative coolers. Most of these properties maximise a lot of heat-generating machines and tools. They likewise carry out tons of processes just to complete the needed operations. Luckily, maximising evaporative coolers on these places can help eliminate heat stress, enhance the performance of employees, maintain a suitable humidity level, and prevent polluting agents.

To find out more about evaporative coolers, feel free to contact us at Peter Ross Enterprises.