The moment someone enters a warehouse, there’s a momentary pause to look down long passageways and look up at high ceilings. Massive shelving systems are everywhere, and a feeling of claustrophobia competes with a sense of open space. Evaporative coolers function beautifully in this scenario. They cool claustrophobia-inducing passageways, match open spaces with temperature mitigating features, and do so without putting a squeeze on an owner’s wallet.

Warehouse Considerations

The structure of a storage facility is modified in more ways than one. For example, the internal walls could be insulated, which is, in all likelihood, a sound move when the winter weather is howling outside. The insulation keeps stored contents and personnel toasty warm. Unfortunately, this configuration causes havoc when the sun comes out. The roof and walls trap heat, meaning productivity is going to sink and warehouse capacity will decline in order to maximize airflow. Assess this factor before selecting the capacity of the cooling appliance.

Whole-System Building Modifications

The decision to adopt evaporative coolers in place of an inefficient chemical cooling solution is one that will surely keep larger storage spaces comfortably cool, but we can maximize this feature by bringing the building in line with the operating principles in use here. An open bay door, for instance, won’t affect cooling power, but we can make this feature work all the harder and really bring the cooling capacity up to a new high by installing and maintaining louvered plenums and fabric ducts. The same principle is applied to the roof, a surface that traps heat below. Fit ducts on the ceiling and place additional fans in areas where airflow is weak. Those long and narrow avenues where forklift trucks pull stock down are ideally narrowed for the job, but they’re going to hamper cooling, meaning a proportional decrease in available warehouse capacity.

Twofold Airflow Management

Apply the above guidelines alongside a mobile solution, one that calls in evaporative coolers on their toughened casters. The portable variant works in tandem with whole-building solutions and regular circulating fans to maximize cooling capacity. Meanwhile, mechanical louvers and powered duct apertures support this optimized air circulation model by incorporating added intake sources and exhaust pathways to the mix.

Heat exchangers and water-cooled ducts form the backbone of an efficient warehouse temperature mitigation solution, but the addition of portable units adds shape and functionality to the cooling model, a feature that transforms passive cooling into a truly dynamic answer to the open space climate control paradigm.