In the context of comfort, we hate noise. It disrupts concentration and causes headaches, especially when we’re focusing on a delicate job. After all, animals react violently to loud sounds. Even communicated bird song is corrupted by the grating sounds of technology and human progress, much to the dismay of avian enthusiasts. Meanwhile, acoustic turbulence also exists as vibrations, physically transmitted oscillations that resonate and undermine mechanical systems. The vibrations slacken fasteners and shift carefully aligned parts out of balance. All-in-all, it’s a noisy mess, but the minimalized operational footprint of our evaporative coolers are managing to sidestep this issue.

A Noise-Free Case for Evaporative Coolers

Five-star evaporative cooling units, ones powered by minimal amounts of electrical energy and a small water reservoir, smash noise concerns out of the water by removing the noisiest components. There’s the hiss of water pulsing through a network of tubes and hoses. A quietly operating electrical pump combines with a silent fan to impel the water and power a super-quiet fan. On the other side of the argument, we look to specialized chemical coolers, you know the ones we’re talking about, the so-called conditioners of air.

The Case Against Refrigerated Solutions

The slipping of a belt inside a refrigerant-powered model squeals and shocks employees. If located inside a barn or farming facility, calmly feeding cows and horses are startled and sent into bewildered motion. Chemicals gurgle alarmingly inside the housing and the condenser coil clicks weirdly as it reacts to sudden temperature changes. None of these events take place in evaporative coolers.

Practically Silenced Cooling

The simple design of the evaporative model sides with nature, a domain that enjoys a quiet sense of calm. Ideal models adhere to this principle, but real life rarely approaches an ideal world. Still, water-cooled units do come close. Whisper-quiet casters move heavy housings across factory floors. The large fans rotate in a manner that takes advantage of the spongy water-filled medium, which simply means the liquid evaporates at just the right rate to take advantage of a slower moving series of large fan blades. The sealed bearing housings take on two roles in this scenario. First, they stop the ingress of moisture, and, secondly, the sealed bearings reinforce the silent operation of the unit.

In the past, we’ve dutifully described the environmentally-friendly features of an evaporative climate control model. Now we’ve reinforced this example by adding noise pollution abatement to our cause.