To ensure that their daily operations will be conducted properly, owners of commercial and industrial properties should have an effective cooling system. A cooling system, after all, can bring comfort to people and, at the same time, maintain optimal operating temperatures of tools and equipment.

The continuous advancements and improvements in technology have paved the way for the generation of various types of cooling systems. To date, there are two major cooling systems that property owners can obtain. These cooling systems are evaporative coolers and air conditioners. Evaporative coolers, generally, utilise wet pads and outdoor air in generating cold air. Air conditioners, on the other hand, absorb the warm air inside the property and cool it with various internal elements.

If you are thinking of buying a cooling system on your property, then here are some of the main differences between evaporative coolers and air conditioners that you should consider.

Quality of Air

One aspect of the cooling systems that you must consider is the air quality. If your property has great air quality, then you may expect your employees to be more productive and healthier. Fortunately, evaporative coolers are known for their generation of high-quality cool air thanks to the filters they possess. They can also produce high-quality cool air as they rely heavily on outside air. Air conditioners today may also boast some filters, but evaporative coolers still have an edge when it comes to air quality.

Energy Efficiency

Given the number of operations that are being conducted inside a commercial or industrial property, owners like you would typically do everything just to conserve energy. Most of the air conditioners today are now energy-efficient thanks to their newly improved components and elements. However, evaporative coolers are still considered the best when it comes to energy use since they do not truly require a huge amount of energy just to carry out their core functions. 

Temp Control

Air conditioners normally provide a wide array of temperature controls and fan speeds, which makes them capable of regulating the needed temperature of a space in just a short time. The complexity of their controls even makes them more precise in terms of providing the right temperature in a specific room or area. Evaporative coolers, alternatively, may provide the appropriate temperature of a property. They, however, lack the complexity of temperature control and fan speed that their counterpart offers.

Weather Conditions

Evaporative coolers can operate optimally as long as they receive a steady supply of outside air. But their effectiveness in providing cool air may decline if the surrounding condition is humid or if the area receives too much rain or heat. These coolers can only work great on areas that have dry surrounding conditions. On the other hand, air conditioners can work under different weather conditions. They can easily retain their effectiveness despite the existence of too much rain or heat in an area.

Evaporative coolers and air conditioners have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. But if you want to opt for evaporative coolers, you can call us at Peter Ross Enterprises to know more about them.