There are technical terms that explain exactly what makes evaporative coolers energy efficient. They dutifully relate heat conservation equations, describe enthalpy conditions, and generally focus on the science that makes the evaporative process so effective, even when the mercury level balloons upward during a heat wave. All of that science talk is just a tad too abstract, though, so let’s replace it with some down-to-earth common sense.

A Nature-Harmonised Appliance

Chemically loaded climate controllers use clever mechanical stages to achieve a dramatic temperature reduction. That’s an admirable accomplishment. However, there’s a cost. For every degree of temperature dropped, the laws of energy conservation produce heat elsewhere. Energy efficient evaporative coolers access nature’s own cooling methods. Essentially, this is a direct thermal conversion process, not one that uses lossy, and hazardous, chemicals to facilitate the temperature moderating process.

Energy-Efficient Reactivity

Just like that chemical system, natural cooling technology produces an equal and opposite reaction. However, instead of a fall in temperature in one part of the system and a rise elsewhere, evaporative coolers show off their actions in mid-air. The evaporated water released by the pads swap thermal properties with the heat-loaded air, then the fan pushes that reaction until it creates an expanded climate-controlled envelope. Again, there’s no chemicals, no coils, and no expansion valves or compressor pumps here, just a water pump and its reservoir. Beyond that minimalist configuration, energy reactivity concludes this balanced formula by sending energy into the local area. Worker productivity or livestock relaxation, event excitation or home comfort, the energy efficiency rating isn’t felt as a theoretical formula product. Instead, it’s experienced as pure biological comfort.

Fully Employs Existing Resources

Science-types say that solar panels are still losing masses of energy as heat. Wave generators and wind machines are similarly inefficient, although they’re improving all the time. Curiously, evaporative coolers achieve a far greater degree of efficiency, and all it takes to sustain that elevated position on the energy table is a capable electric fan and a tank full of water. The laws of nature take care of the rest, and nature is nothing if not efficient. The water cools the air, the reservoir refills, and the disciplined arrangement of parts is left to focus fully on energy conservation, with pump and fan streamlining taking care of that particular feature.

What makes a regular evaporative cooling appliance so good at its job? It’s basically a unique machine, one that packs a little piece of nature’s best working principles inside its portable housing. Chemical-free, complex engineering process free, the energy efficient equipment emulates the weather, the lake surfaces, and the oceans, thus following a proven cooling method that’s endured through the ages.