A warehouse on a busy and hot summer day can feel almost sweltering — at least if it is improperly cooled. Somewhere along the way we accepted the fact that warehouses are not supposed to be comfortable places. Busy, yes, but not comfortable. This line of thinking creates an unpleasant work environment that can actually be avoided with minimal hassle and investment. We are going to look at a few common cooling problems that warehouses face and some of the low cost, energy efficient solutions that can completely solve them. If you’re tired of sweating when you don’t have to then keep on reading.

Warehouse Cooling Problems

If you walk into just about any warehouse with the intention of finding a cooling solution you are going to come to one realisation pretty quickly: warehouses are massive. Cooling a warehouse with conventional methods is going to be an expensive task that you are reminded of every month when you look at your energy bills. So, what can be done?

Warehouse Cooling Solutions

Alright, so we have an understanding as to the problems that can plague a warehouse in terms of temperature control and now we can talk about solutions. Warehouses are massive buildings that need to be cooled as well as we possibly can, if only for the sake of the workers and clients that have to deal with them. Let’s dig into a few solutions.

1. Evaporative Coolers

These amazing technological marvels are one of the best things you can bring into a massive warehouse if you are intent on cooling the building down. Evaporative cooling works the way you would imagine: via evaporation. Evaporative coolers push water through a pump and onto a set of cooling pads. Through this process an exhaust fan that is run on a motor pulls the moisture out of the front of the unit and into the air — thus giving you cool air. Evaporative coolers come in all sorts of sizes, shapes, and efficiency ratings.

2. Insulation

You don’t just want your warehouse sealed up tightly during the winter. Ensuring that your building is properly insulated can go a long way toward preventing heat leakage into the building while also keeping your cool air in.

3. Ceiling Fans

Installing ceiling fans in conjunction with your evaporative coolers can be the difference between a comfortable room and an uncomfortable one. Large ceiling fans help to disperse the cool air evenly around the room. Keep these fans at a low speed and run them continuously.