Building managers routinely underestimate evaporative cooling appliances. Home owners and farmers are also guilty of this blunder. All-in-all, many of us are dazzled by chemical cooling technology, so we’ve allowed ourselves to be led astray by untrue claims. These are the common misconceptions about evaporative coolers, the “mythconceptions” we’re about to bust. First, off, these units are not mist-heavy appliances. They do not “wet” their environment.

Evaporative Coolers DO NOT Mist

We open with one of the more stubborn misconceptions, a false belief that says water-powered cooling technology creates an airborne mist. If that were the case, then the suspended beads of misty water would make a room damp and prone to mildew. In truth, the evaporative effect is about energy exchange, not loading an environment with vaporised water. The only true output is a cool breeze.

Ineffective in Humid Climate

Yet another prevailing opinion spouts the following falsehood. Evaporative coolers don’t work in places that are humid. Now, while it’s true that this technology does work at its best when the air is dry, a superior model will still thrive if its environment is hot and sultry. This principal difference separates so-called “swamp coolers” from cutting-edge evaporative devices.

Aren’t They Expensive to Operate?

This particular misconception is so far off base that environmental engineers roll their eyes when they’re asked about high energy bills. Evaporative coolers use a small water pump and a low-powered fan to spread the chilly air. There are no power-hungry parts inside the equipment housing. Just keep the water tank full, plug the appliance into an electrical outlet, and await the issuance of a chilled breeze.

They’re Only Fit for Domestic Use

Look at the cooling towers around large factories. This heat-rejection machine scales the evaporative cooling process so that large surface areas are exposed to the outside air. The water channels the heat across these surfaces, and heat exchangers release the energy so that it rises into the tower. Obviously, then, evaporative coolers are an essential part of any industrial cooling system. Large warehouses alter this mode of operation slightly by using large ceiling-mounted units and piped water.

The myths have been busted. Check the boxes with a solid tick mark. Yes, evaporative coolers are energy efficient, not economically unfeasible. They’re also scalable, which means the tech is as at home in a factory as it is in the home. Finally, the cooling principle leverages the energy exchanging properties of water, and it does add a small quantity of moisture to that air, but it is not a misting device.