Portable evaporative coolers are eco-friendly appliances. That means they don’t have much of a carbon footprint. What does that low-energy feature mean for homes and factories? Well, they function like zero-emissions water radiators. Although just to redress that statement, evaporative coolers are not radiators. That’s a misconception that needs addressing before we can go any further.

Fan-Aided Evaporative Cooling

Picture the closed systems that use special chemical refrigerants. They’re closed in other ways, too. Closed windows and closed doors make the equipment relatively efficient, although they’re still power hungry little machines. Crudely put, there are “radiators” inside air conditioners. The condenser and evaporator coils work by compressing and expanding chemicals. As those coils and expansion valves handle the fluids, the laws of thermodynamics do their stuff. Now, think instead of an eco-friendly portable evaporative cooler. An open system by design, the cooling effect takes place in the open air, right where homes and factories need the temperature-managing power.

An Energy-Efficient Home and Factory Cooling Solution

The chemically active machinery described above operates inefficiently. There’s hot air to suck in and process. Multiple coils and valves carry out complex operations, which go against nature. Working with nature as a zero emission, low carbon solution, mobile evaporative coolers send water into the air. The evaporated water droplets add humidity, reduce air temperature, and they act as a sort of restorative aide. In the home, windows and doors stay open. For the factory environment, it’s the same, with fresh air re-energizing the heat-exhausted employees. And, being portable, the rugged housing can easily travel to a new hot spot and dismiss that blooming heat before it enters a home or factory floor’s convection currents.

An Eco-Friendly Option

Let’s dive straight in by saying there are no spillable or leaking chemicals inside a water-fueled cooler. Its dynamic heart is built out of two sections, out of an efficient water pump and an electric fan. An equipment tank is responsible for keeping the pump wet even as it sends its cooling liquid stream through a network of capillaries, all the way through to an exposed pair of water-soaked sponges. Again, instead of hot air moving inside a potentially inhospitable machine housing, the cooling medium exits the equipment and enters the air, where it directly affects the temperature.

Perhaps that’s the real reason portable evaporative coolers are in high demand in homes and factories, no? Sure, they’re mobile and they don’t use nasty, environmentally damaging chemicals. More than this, though, eco-friendly evaporative coolers accomplish their temperature dropping magic by discharging a cooling medium, not by sucking the air away and exposing it to numerous mechano-electric processes.