When it comes to the air quality inside industrial facilities, there are a lot of obstacles to overcome. This is especially true when considering the amount of fresh air, the temperature, the humidity, and the particle concentration. In this essay, we look at the industry’s difficulties and investigate how evaporative coolers may be the best answer.

The Importance of Great Indoor Air Quality

People are becoming more conscious of what they breathe and the air quality around them, making indoor air quality a fundamental problem from both a social and an economic point of view. The term “indoor air quality” (IAQ) refers to the air quality that impacts the health and welfare of the people inhabiting a certain location. Pollutants in the indoor air and the level of comfort experienced by individuals are two important features of indoor air quality (IAQ).

We often pay less attention to the possible health impact of interior air pollution since it is stated that outside air pollution is hazardous to human health. However, outdoor air pollution is widely known to be damaging to human health. Cooking, moulding, heating, and using cleaning products or air fresheners are common activities that might contribute to the formation of indoor pollutants, defined as those that occur inside a structure.

Difficulties in Workplaces

The working conditions at manufacturing factories may be quite difficult at any time of the year, but during the summer months, these difficulties are amplified. High temperatures’ effects on workers can negatively impact productivity in workplaces like factories and warehouses. Heat stroke is the most significant public health and safety risk in extremely hot situations. A stroke brought on by excessive heat might be deadly if medical help is not received immediately. In addition to heat stroke, other heat-related disorders include heat exhaustion and fainting, which are not lethal but can hinder a person’s ability to function.

According to research, the average human productivity drops by 3.6% for every degree that the temperature rises above 22°C and 4.7% once it reaches 30°C. According to other research findings, the productivity of hot and heavy industries is lower in the summer than in the winter, and there is an increase in accidents when the ambient temperature is over 20 degrees Celsius. Employers are aware that keeping the temperature at a comfortable level will ensure that their employees are healthier and happier and that they will be more productive, ultimately making them more profitable. Even though there is no legal requirement for environments to be sustained within a temperature threshold, employers are aware that doing so will ensure that their employees are healthier and happier.

How Evaporative Coolers Help

Evaporative cooling systems like our QC48 Evaporative Coolers are an excellent option for anybody looking for a way to enhance the air quality within their home. Evaporative coolers have several benefits that refrigerated air conditioning systems do not, including providing cleaner air since they draw fresh air from the outside.

Our evaporative cooler operates using the basic principles of evaporation, which involve pumping hot air from the outside through pads that have been saturated in water. The pads allow air to pass past them, which causes the water to evaporate and the heat in the air to be absorbed, resulting in a decrease in the temperature of the air. A fan then forces the cold air through a ducting system, which allows the cool air to circulate throughout the structure.

Evaporative coolers require water and power to function, which results in a considerable reduction in the expenses associated with their operation. Doors and windows must be propped open (or an extraction system must be constructed) to expel the air from the inside of the building, which is full of heat, moisture, and contaminants.