When it comes to cooling a home or building, property owners often have a wide variety of options to choose from. Some of them would opt for split type air conditioner units, while others would go for the portable ones. But one popular alternative to most types of air conditioners today is now being utilised by more property owners today. This alternative is more commonly known as the evaporative cooler.

Evaporative coolers, just like air conditioners, can provide cool air to a specific room or space. One main difference between these units, however, would be their working principles. This specific difference then paves the way to other contrasting qualities and characteristics that each of these units possesses.

Understanding How Evaporative Coolers Work

Evaporative coolers or swamp coolers can effectively cool a room or area by utilising water-soaked pads, which help carry out the evaporative cooling process. Basically, the evaporative cooler has a fan that pulls hot ambient air into the unit and subsequently transfers it to a series of water-soaked pads. As the hot air interacts with the pads, a much cooler gas will then evaporate. The colder gas or air will ultimately be transferred into the room or space that needs to be cooled.

Even though the process of cooling the air is simple, evaporative coolers can only work effectively if they are located in a suitable location. Properties that are in humid areas cannot maximise the capabilities of evaporative coolers. Alternatively, areas that have relative humidity levels below 50% can take advantage of evaporative coolers. Since fresh air is abundant, both outdoor and semi-outdoor applications can use evaporative coolers as a way of cooling certain areas. Indoor applications, on the other hand, can only maximise evaporative coolers if the environment is very dry hot.

Evaporative Coolers vs. Others Cooling Units

Perhaps, one of the most notable differences between evaporative coolers and other air conditioning units is their working conditions. Air conditioning units can only be maximised if they operate in a closed area. But unlike evaporative coolers, these units can still be effective even if the environment is humid. Alternatively, evaporative coolers work best in dry environments since the drier air from the surroundings can easily absorb cool moisture. The evaporative cooling process is much easier with dry areas.

Evaporative coolers only require fewer materials compared to other air conditioning units. They only maximise water and electricity in carrying out the evaporative cooling process. These units also do not require regular maintenance as opposed to the maintenance needs of other air conditioning units. The overall costs of operation are also minimised with the use of evaporative coolers.

Air conditioning units, on the other hand, maximise refrigerants in removing heat and moisture in a given space. The air that these units blow out is usually cooled in coils with the help of chemicals. While they can truly cool an enclosed area, the amount of electricity that they need is usually higher than what evaporative coolers utilise. Aside from their operation expenses, air conditioning units can be costly when it comes to installation, repairs, and maintenance.

To learn more about evaporative coolers, do not hesitate to contact us at Peter Ross Enterprises.