The hot summer months don’t do indoor car parks any favours. Trapped heat is creating a turgid environment down here, with the airflow seemingly slowing to a crawl. As if the situation wasn’t bad enough already, the parked cars are making things worse. Their exhaust fumes and oily leaks are loading the musty air with noxious pollutants. Not to worry, though, while the cars and thick concrete walls are problems, evaporative coolers are the solution.

Thermal Hot Spots: Open Car Parking Spaces

A wafting breeze carries seasonal hotness into the open structure. The breeze is trapped by the concrete walls and turned into a stale draft. Arriving cars mimic this process by carrying hot environmental packages inside their passenger compartments. Worse yet, broiling temperatures are pouring from the vehicle’s exhaust system. Even the windscreen gets is getting in on the act here, with its curving glass panel acting as a magnifying glass, one that amplifies the sun’s heat rays.

Recruited Evaporative Coolers

When evaporative technology makes its way into open car parking spaces, thermal energy is defused before it reaches the concrete walls. This interception strategy stops the walls from acting as a heat sink. Next, the water particle discharge adds humidity to the enclosed parking area, but it’s not the oily humidity that’s already floating between the cars. No, this moisture effect is invigorating, not cloying. It also performs a much-need cleansing action. Simply put, the suspended water particles rapidly bind themselves to the airborne engine discharge. Locked in a heavier than air pairing, this amalgamated product vents easily instead of hanging unpleasantly above and around the parked autos.

Environmentally-Friendly Park Partners

Years ago, we gave into certain notions. Among them, we accepted the fact that indoor parking lots were intrinsically unpleasant places. If air conditioned at all, nasty chemicals leaked from overhead pipes to form weirdly coloured puddles. Exhaust fumes and cough-inducing engine byproducts were trapped alongside the hot and stale air down in the bowels of the building. Evaporative coolers show us that this isn’t a situation we have to live with, not when an eco-friendly water-evaporation effect can both cool and actively clean the local atmosphere.

Water-based coolers use the evaporative effect to cool semi-enclosed car parking structures. The temperature drops happily when the workhorse units activate. Large as this space undoubtedly is, the cost-effective cooler works as an efficient volumetric solution here, one that also washes away the bulk of the contaminants left behind by these four-wheeled, chemically active occupants.