Ripe aromas sweep through livestock facilities and become trapped. Animals sweat and express their discomfort as a whine or a whinny. The summer heat has arrived and farmyard stock are deeply uncomfortable. Of course, for anyone who has ever had the dubious pleasure of standing inside one of these industrial-sized barns, it doesn’t even have to be summer for the heat to build. Animals are kept in close confines, rubbing against each other as they exhale a deep-throated mist of hot air. These environments are simply hot all the time, an issue that can be quickly mitigated by calling in a series of evaporative coolers.

A cooling strategy for a structure occupied by animals presents challenges, issues that aren’t at first discernible to the owner of the property. Let’s summarize some of these problems so that we ensure livestock receive good care. First of all, some cooling technologies use harmful chemicals, liquefied contaminants that would leak and be gobbled up by an expensive beast of burden. Evaporative coolers neutralize this issue by using natural products. There’s only the parts of the machine, a medium for soaking liquid, and the liquid coolant. And, unlike those toxic chemicals in alternative cooling appliances, the coolant in the evaporative model is pure water, a substance that’s as natural to the environment as the dirt muddying the floor of the livestock facility.

Additionally, let’s face it, the other cooling technology we’ve slyly referred to above this paragraph is air conditioning. This fact is purposefully clarified because of the next series of problems. For example, air conditioning is an ideal solution for the home or office, but, in operating at peak efficiency, air conditioning requires all windows and doors to be closed. Additionally, an AC system removes humidity from the airflow. A livestock-occupied structure can’t always adopt this smart occupancy perspective, can’t just close every door and hatch. This is why evaporative cooling is the de facto solution in this rural setting, even if that setting assumes industrial proportions.

Keep in mind the quantity and breed of livestock within the facility. Cattle can generate enormous amounts of humidity. Open a door, knowing the evaporative coolers will keep right on removing the heat from the air. Heat stress is a serious problem in enclosed barns, but the remarkable form of heat mitigation by evaporative coolers will minimize such issues. On top of all these animal-friendly features, setup and maintenance costs are low, a fact farms operating on a shoestring budget can really appreciate.