Evaporative cooling technology is sublimely scalable, a feature that enables the appliance to escalate cooling power and coverage without sacrificing energy savings. What does this mean in terms of commercial-grade energy efficiency? Well, commercial ventures cover dramatically diverse configurations. They vary from large dry cleaning business to tiny shops. Even hospitals and hotels get in on the commercial act, positioning their rooms and corridors as interconnecting chambers. However you view the scenario, there’s no denying that commercial environments are fluid settings, but they also depend on productivity. Operating costs are high and profit margins are slim.

The commercial sector and evaporative coolers are then a match made in heaven. These units are large and capable of processing thousands of cubic feet of hot air per minute, a variable that’s technically referred to as the “cfm” of the device (Cubic Feet per Minute rating). Of course, in the interests of metric fairness, we can translate “cfm” into metres cubed (m3/hr). Having differentiated the subtleties of volumetric scale, let’s return quickly to energy efficiency within the commercial sector. These high capacity models suck in large quantities of air in a very short period, and this action takes place without consuming large amounts of electricity. In fact, a figure of around 18,000 m3/hr is not unheard of in the commercial domain when commercial evaporative coolers are on the job.

The secret to this cooling magic is in using highly efficient electric motors and an advanced cooling medium, a partnership that’s formed by the addition of a large water reservoir and thick sponge-like pads. The electric motor drive pumps, sending the water rocketing through tubes to soak the sponges. Next, a motor rotates a large-bladed fan, thus generating a strong breeze that pushes hot air across the wetted pads. The cooling action drops the temperature within any of these commercial settings while also dismissing stagnancy. Fresh, cool air is the result, a refreshing breeze that consumes a fraction of the electricity that’s required by other cooling formats.

It’s worth keeping the following thoughts in mind when considering an evaporative cooling solution within a commercial environment. Many of these coolers are mounted on wheels and built within robust cases. This class of equipment is ideal for temporary or seasonal applications. Finally, this form of cooling is sometimes the only viable answer within a commercial scenario. A beer garden with an open patio is no place for air conditioning, a form of climate control that only works when windows and doors are sealed. A portable commercial evaporative cooler would be perfect here. These energy efficient devices are also the pre-eminent choice for warehouses, greenhouses, and the aforementioned dry cleaning example, a place soaked in humidity. A traditional air conditioner would quickly fail here as its drip tray filled with condensation and spilled.