An augmented water pump increases the energy efficiency of an evaporative cooler significantly, as does a subsequent widening of hose diameter. The water flows unimpeded, maximum cooling power is realised, and the room spreads its cool breeze. Still, this methodology will plateau because it’s not accounting for external conditions. How do we leapfrog the plateau and keep energy efficiency high?

Maximise the Airborne Interface

As with any other principle, simplicity is the answer. Do install superior pumps and wide-diameter hoses inside the water-fueled cooler, but know that the efficiency gains will peak at some point, maybe at a place where comfort is still just out of reach. Instead, broaden the dimensions of the evaporative cooler, widen its housing, and expand the fan blades so that they solidly connect with the air currents.

Shifting Large Volumes of Air

The scenario we’re imagining assumes a flow of hot air, with the large diameter fan acting as a mechanically-induced supplementary force. What if the air is stale and hot as hades? The next sizing strategy targets the water-soaked media. Large volumes of the sticky and stale atmospheric envelope can be pushed through the man-sized fan, but that methodology only works properly if all of this breathable stuff receives its full condensate load of condensation, the kind of moisture that can fully defuse the heat load suspended in the localised space.

Accounting for Heat Loads

Energy efficiency starts at the appliance housing, moves on to encompass the key components, and concludes at the fan stage. Still, it’s the housing and its augmented dimensions that mesh with the large fan to facilitate the full power of the heat load-defusing response, a mechanism that derives its efficiency rating from a purely volumetric sequence of events. In short, as long as the sponge or pad media is saturated, the fan is propelling large volumes of air, and the inner workings of the device are working at peak efficiency, then maximum cooling power will be realised.

Side issues are controllable here, of course, with open windows and existing air conditions making the biggest impact, but as long as the evaporative cooler is designed according to our sizing principles, it will perform with assurance. Of course, sizing procedures should be weighed against other relevant design factors, especially if the device is portable. Otherwise, there comes a point of diminishing returns, a point where the oversized appliance will consume more energy than its giving out.