Evaporative coolers are an easy-to-use alternative to HVAC systems. They are, however, loud. Let us investigate why evaporative coolers generate noise.

What Causes Evaporative Coolers to Make Noise?

In arid areas, evaporative coolers are more cost-effective than typical air conditioning systems. Instead of employing refrigeration, they rely on water absorbing a lot of heat to evaporate. Hot air is pushed through the system, and its heat is converted to liquid water, which evaporates. As a result, cold air is expelled from the system.

While this method utilises less energy than air conditioning, it is still somewhat noisy. The machine’s motor, if nothing else, makes noise when it operates. Because sound is a typical byproduct of every mechanical equipment, this is quite natural. It also contains a pump, which may be a significant noise source. Then there’s the sound of water trickling through the cooler’s many fans. However, because evaporative coolers are meant to be quieter than air conditioning systems, you’re already ahead of the game. Before you begin soundproofing your unit, be sure the noises aren’t the result of a technical problem.

How to Reduce Evaporative Cooler Noise

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to lowering evaporative cooler noise. The first is that you cannot limit airflow. This would impair the unit’s ability to cool and potentially lead it to break. Second, you must be cautious while insulating it. To function correctly, the device must disperse heat, and any interference may cause it to cease operating. When it comes to soundproofing, finding the proper balance is crucial.

Reduce The Temperature Of The Cooler

It may appear apparent, but the more work the motor does, the louder it becomes. If you’re concerned about over-insulating the device, the next best alternative is running it on a lower setting. Because it does not operate the pump or cooling system, the cooler’s fan-only setting will be the quietest. Also, if it has an oscillating feature (where it swivels in different directions), turning it off will further lower noise levels. This isn’t the ideal choice for lowering overall noise levels, but it saves money on new things.

Place It On A Mat

Transmission through a surface is one of the evaporative coolers’ most significant noise causes. The surface on which the machine rests can amplify any noise it generates. A cooler, for example, will generate far less noise if placed on the compacted ground rather than a metal plate. Fortunately, this is an easy problem to remedy by laying it on a vibration-dampening pad. However, be cautious while selecting sound-deadening matting. They feature a foil cover because they are intended to offer thermal insulation. This might cause heat to be reflected on the device. Having said that, just a small amount of heat will escape through the bottom, so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue. If this is a problem, cover the mat with a blanket or use it upside down to remove the reflecting surface.

Shield the Unit with A Barrier

Putting a barrier between you and your evaporative cooler is a simple way to reduce noise levels. The barrier aims to bounce sound waves back at the source, which means they shouldn’t be able to reach you. A piece of plywood or MDF with a layer of mass-loaded vinyl should suffice. Mass-loaded vinyl is a limp mass that dissipates sound waves rather than transmitting them into the structure. Consider installing a barrier on each side of your unit if noise is a major concern. Your barrier should be at least the same height as the unit, if not slightly higher. Because sound waves are directional, your barrier must be higher than the noise source.